uplift Immigration | Psychological Immigration Evaluations

Immigration Psychological Evaluations Strengthen Your Case

Are you overwhelmed by the immigration process? Do you worry about how your immigration case will impact your family members?

uplift Immigration | Psychological Immigration Evaluations

Are you struggling with one of the following?

If so, our providers would be honored to perform a psychological evaluation for immigration to help you with your case. For over two decades, SMPsychotherapy & Counseling has helped people like you strengthen their immigration cases. A proper psychological evaluation can help ensure that they can remain in the United States.

Our goal is to obtain the necessary documentation for your case and guide you through the process so that you can live freely and comfortably with your loved ones. Our mental health counselors will provide you with a safe, nurturing environment for clinical interviews. We will complete psychological assessments to determine how your immigration case affects your mental health.

Psychological Evaluations for Immigration Purposes!

A psychological evaluation for immigration is a necessary step when you seek permanent resident status in the United States. The goal of the assessment is to determine if you are eligible to live in the US. When you meet with one of our providers, they will ask you about your family history, work history, and medical and psychiatric history. We provide a written report of your immigration evaluation to your attorney to be used in immigration court.

uplift Immigration | Psychological Immigration Evaluations

You May Need an Immigration Evaluation!

There are five types of waivers for legal status that require a psychological evaluation. The type of evaluation needed is determined by which of the following categories you’re applying for. If you aren’t sure what category fits your situation, ask your attorney, or give us a call. 

If separation from a relative of yours (who lives in the United States) would cause you physical, mental, or emotional harm, we encourage you to apply for an extreme hardship waiver. The immigration hardship evaluation we perform would have one goal: explaining what kind of hardship you would face if your loved one isn’t in the US with you. psychological damage you suffered is too significant for you to return to your home country. One of our providers guides you through anxiety, depression, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that your trauma caused.

If you faced systemic oppression, extreme deprivation, or persecution based on your religious or political beliefs and were forced to leave your home country, you may qualify for political asylum. The immigration evaluation will help you prove that the psychological damage you suffered is too significant for you to return to your home country. One of our providers guides you through anxiety, depression, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) that your trauma caused.

If you are an undocumented immigrant who married a US citizen who abused you, you are eligible to petition for a legal status separate from them. The goal of the evaluation will be to prove you suffered mental, emotional, or physical abuse and that you require legal separation from your spouse.

ling for a U-Visa can help you petition for a green card if you were the victim of a crime while in the United States. The crimes may include domestic violence, physical and sexual exploitation, kidnapping, trafficking, rape, and serious misdemeanors.

The T-Visa is similar to the U-Visa, but it only applies if you were trafficked into the United States. In other words, if you were forced into the country for human trafficking purposes and would not have come here otherwise, we recommend applying for the T-Visa. In such a case, our goal will be to document the psychological and emotional effects that human trafficking had on you.

Let Us Help You Make The Immigration Process Easier And Less Intimidating

Immigrating to the US is overwhelming thanks to complicated immigration laws and the stress of building a new life. That’s why we’re here. We offer a safe space to share your hardships and walk through the evaluation process with a kind, compassionate provider. To get started, schedule a FREE consultation with one of our providers to see if an immigration evaluation is suitable for your immigration case. 

At the moment, due to COVID-19, all our immigration evaluation sessions are held online or via phone. We look forward to hearing from you!

uplift Immigration | Psychological Immigration Evaluations